For those people who love to show off their designer handbags or luxury accessories, they like enormous labels and logos on their bags. They may enjoy the feeling under the spotlight. A successful designer handbag doesn’t need the logos or brand to speak for, and the style speaks for itself. Just like the Burberry Small Check Embossed Bark Leather Tote Bag. This small leather Burberry bag is crafted in a crinkled and pleated finish reminiscent of tree bark and embossed with check pattern made of laser cut inserts of finely pleated nylon.
The shimmering appearance creates a gorgeous yet sophisticated handbag. Coming in the open top with one magnetic button closure, it features sateen lining stamped with the trademark ‘Burberry established 1856’ inscription. Besides one interior zip pocket, three interior patch pockets are ingeniously designed for holding your small accessories, such as business cards, cell phone, MP3. With a measurement of 38cm x 21cm x 16cm, the central zip compartment is ample enough for your daily essentials. Thanks to two rolled leather handles with branded metallic buckle attachments, Burberry handbag can be easier carried. And the leather base with five feet provides extra protection for the bag.
I wish I could have Burberry Handbags