Many people would agree that the polished smooth patent leather is too formal and chic for daily carrying, and the crinkled leather bag suggests a casual and fun style. Such as this Crinkled Patent Leather Small Tote Bag offered by Burberry handbags recently. The Burberry bag is available in three colors, black, black iris and dusty lavender. Personally, I like the dusty lavender colored one much more for it is more elegant.
This Burberry handbag is crafted in crackled patent with pin-tuck detailing on the upper sides of the bag. Inside the bag you are to find new check lining. This small tote measures 40cm in length, 23cm in width and 17cm in height. However small as it claimed to be, it is still spacious enough for holding all your daily carryings. The designer bag is very convenient for carrying. It has two rolled patent leather handles with dark nickel buckle and strap attachments, and a detachable patent leather cross body strap with triangle dark nickel attachments. There is an 18cm drop between top of handle and top of bag. Its interior is divided into three compartments, with top zip closure on centre compartment, which features one zip pocket and two patch pockets. There is a small dark nickel Equestrian Knight Motif near base of the bag. Besides, its patent leather base has five feet for best protection of the bag.
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